In this report, we show that malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) patients whose tumors express high levels of AKT1 exhibit a significantly worse prognosis, whereas no significant correlation with AKT3 expression is observed. We provide data that establish a phosphorylation independent role of AKT1 in affecting MPM cell shape and anchorage independent cell growth in vitro and highlight the AKT1 isoform-specific nature of these effects.We describe that AKT1 activity is inhibited by the loss of SIRT1-mediated deacetylation and identify, by mass spectrometry, 11 unique proteins that interact with acetylated AKT1.Our data demonstrate a role of the AKT1/SIRT1/FOXM1 axis in the expression of the tumor suppressor ERβ. We further demonstrate an inhibitory feedback loop by ERβ, activated by the s...

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